Monday, March 01, 2004

I work in the field of Mental Health, with people that have addiction to Alcohol and Drugs. I have worked in this field for many years now and enjoy what I am doing, It is so sad to see regular people ending up with problems that the best science can explain to us is inherited from the family system. Basically that tells a person they are addicted even before they pick up a drug or a drink. Well what happens to the person that goes for surgery, is prescribed pain medication and all of a sudden they find they are dependent on it?.....Addiction can happen to anyone at anytime and from any socio economic group, it's a disease and a tough one at that, it has no prejudice and a person that finds themself with this problem is not a bad person, rather a very sick person.....we need more education in this area and that's where I come in, and many more like me. Don't ever shame or blame someone with this problem, as one day it could be yours.....rather offer support and encourage them getting help........Treatment Works!

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