Friday, May 21, 2004

Good Morning Houston!.........Well I made it, I got through yesterday unscathed. And Guess what?, I get to do it again today, isn't life just wonderful? Today will be busy for me so I'd better start getting prepared for it so until next time, C'ya........Later!

Thursday, May 20, 2004

Furthur Network, download live, legally traded digital music, Taped by fans for fans.
Good Morning Houston!.........I'm glad this is my late day as the freeways are a mess this morning. Yesterday was a good day, the commutes were'nt too bad, the weather was nice and I had a good day. So here it is another day and I get to try it again, maybe I will be lucky once more. I won't get home until very late this evening so for now...C'ya........Later!

Wednesday, May 19, 2004

Good Morning Houston!......Well it's mid week once more, I hope our weather is good today. The commute yesterday was not too bad, I got in pretty quick and it took a bit longer to get out...that's life in the big city. I should have a busy day today, but I am ready for it...I'd better get ready to face the commute so...C'ya.....Later!

Monday, May 17, 2004

Good Morning Houston!......Well my Stros blew it again yesterday..The Rocket pitched a great game, but the closer wasn't able to close it and they lost 3-2. Today we are expecting more rain, but I am planning on watching "The Godfather" so let it rain. After all it's my day off and I am taking care of me...With that, C'ya..........Later!

Sunday, May 16, 2004

Good Morning Houston!....It seems the rain has left for a couple of days...But...It's coming back tomorrow and probably for most of the week which could bring severe flooding again. I'll be glad when summer gets here, then I can complain it's too hot, lol! I think it will be a good day to chill out again as I am very tired today, oh well time to go chill..C'ya ..........Later!